Well, puppies, Jasper and I are still not the best of friends, but that only inspires me to help him get healthy so he can get out of my house. I have not shown him how to blog because everytime I try to have a conversation with him he says, "COUGH, COUGH, COUGH!" He also says cough at bedtime and when he wakes up. Have I mentioned I am not a morning puppy? I need my fuzzy beauty rest and Jasper is hacking away at 5:30 am. Sometimes he tries to play with one of us, but we generally ignore him because we know in a minute he will be coughing. Chena is still the only one who really has patience for him. She is a very patient puppy.
That reminds me, a few puppies commented that Chena and Jasper look alike.
That is just not true.
Chena | Jasper |
slight | scrawny |
curls in a Husky ball on the couch | curls in a Husky ball on the floor |
brown-eyed | bi-eyed (one brown, one missing)
See? They are terribly different. Do not beat yourselves up about it, though, I am sure it was just a problem with your monitors.
Anyway, I commend Jasper on his ability to break Mama's will. Mama is very tough on not giving people food to puppies, even when the puppies are skinny like Jasper. She always says it is better to let them gain weight slowly through a helathy diet than shock their systems with junk food and teach them bad eating habits. She tried that with Jasper but he just kept on coughing and everytime he coughed Mama got this painful look on her face like she felt guilty that she could not make him better faster. So, Mama finally broke down and gave the green light to give Jasper cheeseburgers so he can gain enough weight to begin his heartworm treatment. Now Jasper gets a cheesburger and puppy kibble mixture at every meal.

What do I get? Diet kibble. This arrangement does not improve my relationship with Jasper. I mean, I cannot blame the puppy for using his pathos to his advantage, but I am still quite jealous that he is getting treats while I am getting healthy stuff. I tried to look pathetic too and I even puked on the livingroom rug. Did that get me cheesburger? No. That got me tossed out in the yard a few minutes while Mama and Papa "cleaned it up," which I was pretty sure was code for "gave all our love and attention to Jasper." Bailey said he was inside the whole time and nothing like that happened, but I think he was sleeping instead of watching them.