Oh my goodness, Puppies, what a fantastic day! Look at all the hikers who came out to support The Alliance of Northern Breed Rescues.

First of all, I need to say a big THANK WOO to everyone who pledged to me. With your help I raised over $200 in pledges and felt very good about my contribution to the day's success.

Everyone had a great time introducing their puppies to each other or just lounging in the cool grass under the big trees. Do you see who is in the background of this scene?

Here is a close-up so you can see a little better. That is right. It is
Maximus! He brought his family out to hike and enjoy the day, and we were so glad to see him. His fur is already longer than it was when he left here.
Speaking of seeing a former foster dog, I spotted
Jasper and his mama running across the lawn while two rowdy youngsters wrestled nearby. Jasper's fur, which used to be red with damage, is now a striking solid black.

We had so many exciting activites and demonstrations throughout the day. On the left is an animal first aid demonstration given with the help of the life sized practice CPR Siberian. He is

one helpful Husky. Below,
Save our Siberians, an organization that gives extra aid to rescue Huskies who need special medical attention, is showing how they raise funds. They spin Siberian fur into yarn and knit or crochet that furry yarn into hats, scarves, and other fun items they can sell.

Mama got a Magnum tattoo while she was there. It only makes sense that she should have me

permanently impressed upon her. Okay, it is not permanent, but the face painting booth was turning out some great pictures of paw prints,

puppies, and other requests. The boy on the right here asked for a skull tattoo on his cheek. Anything for the dogs.
We also had a visit from a giant stuffie. I noticed some dogs were excited and some were afraid when they saw the giant stuffie, but Grandma took Maverick and me over to the stuffie, which lead me to realize the stuffie smelled and sounded just like Mama. Well, if it smells like Mama and sounds like Mama, it must be a pretty nice stuffie.

Oh, there was food too. Lots of food. Lots of begging and thieving Siberians.

Callie was feeling well enough to get out and enjoy the day. Callie has frequent cluster seizures that can be quite disabling, so friends were stopping to sign a get well card for her. We hope we can balanace her medication so she can enjoy more days out without worrying about seizures.

Okay, so here is the worst thing that happened. I took Grandma and Grandpa home after just a couple hours so I could tell Blue about the events. Then, AFTER I LEFT, Maverick spotted
Indy and they got to play. I was happy for Maverick, but I was awfully disappointed that I missed Indy. When Papa got home he kept saying how Indy was taller in real life and he was such a handsome dark red and so on.

Well, missed blogger buddy aside, I had a specatular time and I think everyone else did as well. So Thank Woo to everyone who participated, even if only in spirit, in the first annual Hike N Howl, and to our many supporters.
I think we all had a howling good time. Don't feel bad I missed you and Indy yesterday, but met lots of other pups. We got to see Maximus too!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Looks like you had a great day! Bummer you missed Indy! But I'm sure you had a great time with all the other dogs!
Wow what a fun day! You saw LOTS of old friends and I am sure met some new ones :)
That big stuffie dog was very strange indeed. But we sure had a great time! That husky tatto is lookin particularly fetching.
WE MISSED INDY PINDY TOO! But of course I wasn't there this time. Mom thinks next year there needs to be a "Dogs with Blogs" tent. That way we could all meet each other.
There are a lot of people on a happy day.
It is wonderful holiday.
from loved ume tyan
Looks like you all had a really great day. Perfect weather, too. Wish I coulda been there, but we live far away in PGH. It would've been nice meeting my blogging buddies. And, I could've introduced you to my new bruther, Juneau. Oh-woo-well, maybe next time.
Wuv ya,
My mom and I got to meet Maverick and Maverick's foster mom and dad, but not Magnum. I was disappointed. Hey Magnum, I hope Maverick gave you my message!
Hey, and one person asked if I was Dawkin!
WOW! Great pictures, Magnum! Hey... that giant stuffed Sibe kind of looks like you! Ha roo roo roo!
That "get well' card for Callie sure is sweet! Did you sign it? She looks so pretty and happy to be there!
Too bad you missed Indy - maybe next year!!!
Tail wags,
We loved the pictures. Looked like everypup had a good time. We are so glad for you'all.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
It looks like the Hike was a HUGE success! Congratulations!! We loved all the pics and what great activities you all had!
I like Echo's idea of a Dogs With Blogs tent next year. Maybe we can get Opy and Charlie to come?
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