Getting Together
Hi Puppies, did you notice my foreshadowing in the third photo from the previous post? Mama and Papa went and got another Husky. That is what we do. Codey is a 22-month-old who just joined us this past weekend. Codey's parents decided to give him up for reasons that are not really clear to us. He is a normal, healthy Sibe with plenty of energy and a desire to play.
Hello Puppies. Before I begin today's post, I would like to say another big big THANK WOO to everyone for supporting us while we help all our special Siberians. We are thrilled to be able to help these Sibes return to good health and find new families who will take better care of them.
There is good news among all these challenges.
Standing Stone Media and a "secret" sibe-loving friend have issued a challenge - They will match any donation for our special needs sibes dollar for dollar up to $3500.00!!!!!! Woo Woo!!!!
So now we need all the help we can get. Tell your humans to click the "Make a Donation" button in the sidebar or visit our website to read more and make a donation from there. We try not to beg too often, but right now we really need it and whatever donation you can manage will count double! MaPaw sends out a big THANK WOO to Standing Stone Media, our anonymous friend, and all of you, who I know will give what you can.
Thank Woo so much Ao4!