MaPaw Siberian Husky Rescue

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

In Loving Memory ~ Kathy "Mom" Fry

To our Friend and Loved One ~ You will be missed so very much
You gave Comfort and Happiness to the Dogs and to Us ~ You were "Mom"
You are at Peace now, God Bless ~ The World is a Sadder Place without you.

Not An Angel

The young pup and the older dog lay on the shaded sweet grass watching life reunions. Sometimes a man, sometimes a woman, sometimes a whole family would approach the Rainbow Bridge, be greeted by their loving pets, and cross the bridge together.

The young pup playfully nipped at the older dog, "Look! Something wonderful is happening!" The older dog stood up and barked excitedly, "Quickly, Get over to the path." "That's not my owner," whined the pup, but did as he was told.

Thousands of pets surged forward as a figure in white walked on the path toward the bridge. As the glowing figure passed, each animal bowed its head in love and respect. The figure finally approached the bridge and was met by a menagerie of joyous animals. Together, they all walked over the bridge and disappeared.

The young pup was in awe. "Was that an angel?" he whispered. "No," said the older dog, "that person worked rescue."

~ Author Unknown

Sunday, April 18, 2010

April's Newsletter is Here!

Good afternoon Puppers ~

MaPaw's April Newsletter is now here!!

Click here to read all about everything going on at MaPaw this month.

Meet MaPaw's Dog of the Month ~ Jack!! Click here to learn more about him...

Happy Reading!!!

~ Chloe

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ebay Auction Now in Progress!!!

MaPaw is auctioning some items on Ebay to help us raise some much needed funds. In the past few months, we have had the pleasure of helping out some really great dogs. Unfortunately, that means we have some pretty extensive medical bills...

Some of the items being auctioned ~ a beautiful hand-crafted quilt (pictured above), a baseball bat and ball autographed by Pete Rose and more...

Click here to check out our auction now!!!

Happy Shopping!!

~ Chloe