MaPaw Siberian Husky Rescue
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Rocky, Buck, & Maxx
Hi Puppies, our campaign to find a home for Rocky & Buck has worked out better than we could have imagined. In their previous home, Rocky& Buck had another brother named Maxx. Maxx was a young, independant Sibe, and although he loved his brothers very much, he was able to adapt to life without them. Maxx was adopted by a wonderful family a few months ago and has settled nicely into his new home. In fact, Maxx's new family love him so much, they came back to MaPaw to ask if they could adopt two more Siberians. They had looked on our website, but left it up tous to make a suggestion about a couple Huskies who would get along well in their home. Boy, did we know just the pair! We said we have Maxx's two former brothers and of course Maxx's mom and dad were taken by the idea of reuniting the trio.
When Rocky & Buck arrised at Maxx's house, they were thrilled to see their brother again. Buck and Maxx jumped into a wrestling match while Rocky explored. Maxx showed them around his home and all three of them ran around sniffing and causing
Monday, October 22, 2007
Active Weekend
One thing that was super cool about the day was that we got a visit from Precious, with whom I played so much at my first meet & greet. Precious now goes by the name Lily, and she brought along her adoptive dad to say hi. I'm a little bit sad I missed getting to play with my meet & greet buddy, but I'm so happy she is doing well. Mama said Lily has filled out nicely. She's still pretty small, but she doesn't look skinny any more.Since I wasn't there to bounce around with her, Precious-Lily bounced around with Rocky Pup. They had a great time wrestling and causing a scene. Precious-Lily's very good at being noisy.
Rocky Pup also got to meet a big Malamute who was waiting in line for a free nail trim. Obviously the poor Mal had no idea that a nail trim was in store. He got down on the ground so he wouldn't tower over little Rocky Pup.
Well, Even though Maverick was really tired after all that friendliness on Saturday, I took him for a hike Sunday morning to sniff the fall leaves as they fell off the trees. Usually we find pretty quiet spots to go hiking, but the trail was busy with tourists and camp outings. We got tons and tons of petting. Grandpa said we were on a dog identification hike because of all the people trying to guess all our breeds. I was a Samoyed, an American Eskimo Dog, and a Malamute! I get the first two guesses have an all white theme, but a Malamute? Umm... I am 50 pounds, not even 2 feet tall, and I have crystal blue eyes. Well, anyway, I just bounced around saying, I'm a Husky! I'm a Husky! Everyone knew Magnum was a Husky. Maybe I need to roll in some charcoal so I'll be gray and white too.
The hike wasn't enough for me, though, I went to a Husky party afterwards. Maverick decided to stay home and nap. I was pretty tired too, I'll admit, but I really wanted to go romp with some of my friends at Dog Town.
Boy did we all sleep well after such a busy weekend.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Meetin' and Greetin'
Next weekend he is going to the Trappe Feed store to meet a bunch more people. One of them is bound to be the right person for him.
Monday, October 08, 2007
It means apple slices, pumpkin treats, and napping on the deck in the cool night air.
Of course it does not mean any of that unless the temperatures actually get cool. Where is the fall weather?